Two Female Models Celebrating Dental Hygiene MonthOctober is full of sweet treats, so many people are surprised that it’s also Dental Hygiene Month. It may seem odd to think about dental hygiene during the month known best for Halloween candy and pumpkin pie, but anytime is a good time to improve your dental hygiene routine.

A little extra care goes a long way when it comes to dental hygiene. At Utah Facial and Oral Surgery, we want your smile to last a long time, so this Dental Hygiene Month, we’ve listed a few quick tips to help you improve your oral health routine.

Remember to Floss

Remembering to floss can be hard when you have a busy schedule. Try flossing on the go by stashing some floss or floss picks in your desk or bag. With floss readily available, you’ll be able to floss as soon as you remember. If you still can’t seem to remember, set yourself a flossing alarm. Before bed is the best time to floss, but flossing at any time is better than not flossing at all!

Check Your Brushing and Flossing Form

If you aren’t using good brushing techniques, your smile may be at risk. While sometimes genetic factors make you more prone to cavities and tooth loss, poor brushing and flossing habits also lead to oral health problems.

Brushing: Remember to brush twice a day for two minutes. Brush all quadrants equally, including the inner sides of the teeth and the back corners. Set a timer to ensure you brush for the full two minutes. Some electric toothbrushes even have a built-in timer that alerts you after two minutes. Also, use a soft-bristled brush with medium to light pressure to avoid gum recession. If your bristles start to stick out and bend, you are probably brushing too hard. These simple changes can help your mouth feel so much better!

Flossing: Gently wiggle the floss between the teeth, without snapping it into your gums. Once the floss is in place, pull it until the floss is curved against the side of your tooth. Move from the gums to the edge of the tooth, and use small up and down motions to remove plaque and food particles. Also, use a new portion of the floss for each tooth, and don’t forget to floss behind the last tooth.

Get Regular Dental Checkups

Many of the extractions and dental implant restorations we encounter could have been prevented if they were noticed sooner, but many oral health issues do not have noticeable symptoms in early stages. Your dentist can help detect problems early, so be sure to go in every six months.

We hope these tips help you remain confident in your smile for years to come, and have a great Dental Hygiene Month! Call our office to learn more about tooth replacement options, such as dental implants, or to schedule an appointment.